Who are We?

The Coaches

Devraj Roy

Coaching Experience: Powerlifting and Bodybuilding


Hi, my name is Devraj. 

I am a Competitive Powerlifter, A Doctoral Student in Physical Therapy, and most importantly I am a Coach with the experience and knowledge necessary to help you attain your goals. 

My personal journey began all the way in high school. I gravitated towards strength training in order to gain muscle and power after losing over 50 pounds. I found myself falling in love with lifting and the involved process of getting stronger through the big three lifts. Finally as a Freshman in college I found a sport for the very lifts I loved and I never looked back. 

Over the past few years I have coached dozens, created life-long relationships, and led multiple individuals to an elite standard of strength on the national stage. If you are ready to bring your training to a new epoch, have your goals be realized, and want a coach who will actually prioritize you, then I am the man for the job.

Ryan Nolan

Coaching Experience: Bodybuilding, General Fitness, Powerlifting, Nutrition

Hi, my name is Ryan

I got into Strength training when I was 14 years old, it didn't take long for me to realize how it positively impacted every single area of my life. I was fortunate enough to have my Dad train me all through High School for Football and Track and soon realized that I wanted to pursue this as a career path.

I decided to go to school for Exercise Science while simultaneously competing in bodybuilding and by the end of college, I decided that I wanted to take up powerlifting.

I greatly value my ability to create strong healthy relationships with all of my athletes. I believe I can take your training to the next level but also help you create a mental framework that will help you in every single aspect of your life.

Thomas Rim - Head Photographer

Coaching Experience: Weightlifting

Hi, my name is Thomas

I am a Weightlifter, a small streamer, and an enlisted Marine Reservist.

My path began four years ago with zero knowledge in the sport of weightlifting. Within those four years, I experimented and tampered with growing myself as an athlete to achieve perfection. I sympathize with the hardships and frustrations of not understanding the fundamentals of the sport due to a lack of guidance from a knowledgeable mentor/coach.
My objective, as your coach, is to build a firm foundation and create a strong relationship with you through weightlifting, such that you can arrive at your goals.



All coaches are autonomous and not contracted/employed by Team Continuum.